Publications and Data
Data - any format
If your data is associated with a publication (journal article, conference proceeding or report) please add the details in the field provided. For more than one output/publication details should be added to additional information.
You can use the DOI of your dataset anywhere you wish to highlight that the data is available. Specifically in any data statement that accompanies a journal article. You can insert such a statement, if not before, then once your article has been accepted. Many publishers now require data statements and details of the underlying data.
To make your journal articles open access and comply with the University open access policy, you should deposit your accepted manuscript via Liverpool elements into the Institutional repository. Further information can be found on the Open Access webpages. Or you can email the OA team openaccess@liverpool.ac.uk
Publishers and Data
Many publishers now request that the underlying data behind your journal article is made available to share (where appropriate). You should avoid using supplementary files for this, as these are rarely published under a creative commons licence, unless you are going open immediately on publication (and even then you should make sure such supplementary files are covered by the same licence).
Some publishers now have arrangements with data repositories. You should always use the most appropriate repository for your subject. However, if you are unsure please contact the RDM team to discuss your options. You can, of course, use the Research Data Catalogue, if there is no other suitable repository. And remember we would still like to know where your data is, so please make a metadata record in the Catalogue with the DOI from your chosen repository.