The development of fast Li ion-conducting materials for use as solid electrolytes that provide sufficient electrochemical stability against electrode materials is paramount for the future of all solid-state batteries. Advances on these fast ionic materials are dependent on building structure−ionic mobility−function relationships. Here, we exploit a series of multinuclear and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches, including 6Li and 31P magic angle spinning (MAS), in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) to provide a detailed understanding of the local structure of the ultraphosphate Li3P5O14, a promising candidate for an oxide-based Li ion conductor that has been shown to be a highly conductive, energetically favorable, and electrochemically stable potential solid electrolyte. We have reported a comprehensive assignment of the ultraphosphate layer and layered Li6O1626− chains through 31P and 6Li MAS NMR, respectively, in conjunction with DFT. The chemical shift anisotropy of the eight resonances with the lowest 31P chemical shift is significantly lower than that of the 12 remaining resonances, alluding to the phosphate bonding nature of these P sites being one that bridges to three other phosphate groups. We employed a number of complementary 6,7Li NMR techniques, including MAS variable-temperature line narrowing spectra, spin-alignment echo (SAE) NMR, and relaxometry, to quantify the lithium ion dynamics in Li3P5O14. Detailed analysis of the diffusion-induced spin−lattice relaxation data allowed for experimental verification of the three-dimensional Li diffusion previously proposed computationally. The 6Li NMR relaxation rates suggest sites Li1 and Li5 (the only five-coordinate Li site) are the most mobile and are adjacent to one another, both in the a−b plane(intralayer) and on the c-axis (interlayer) .As shown in the 6Li−6Li exchange spectroscopy NMR spectra, sites Li1 and Li5 likely exchange with one another both between adjacent layered Li6O1626− chains and through the centre of the P12O3612− rings forming the three-dimensional pathway. The understanding of the Li ion mobility pathways in high-performing solid electrolytes outlines a route for further development of such materials to improve their performance.