Permission for publication of the dashboard was granted to Dr Dialechti Tsimpida on 4th April 2023 by the CIPHA Data Asset and Access Group as DSR079_DARF, signed by the ICS/B Caldicott Guardian on 18th April 2023. Dr Tsimpida was the primary investigator of the project and acknowledges the contribution of Dr Roberta Piroddi in extracting the data and completing the disclosure risk assessment in accordance with the ISB1523 Anonymisation Standard for Publishing Health and Social Care Data. All statistical and spatiotemporal analyses, mapping work processes, and the creation of the dashboard were conducted by Dr Dialechti Tsimpida. This research, led by Dr Dalia Tsimpida, was funded by Research England (UK) and The University of Liverpool (Public Policy Quality-Related Funding 2022-5).​