For all .mat files and headers the following is included in the structure raw - raw spectra as recorded by camera. Blank - average of 50 images taken with shutter closed. Spectra - average of 50 images taken with shutter open and light source on, but sample arm blocked. cvf - frequency of light at each raw image column. spf - frequency of light that each raw image row was resampled to before fft (equal frequency spacing). zrange - the depth axis of OCT images. yrange - the lateral axis of OCT images. Figures 1,2 and 4 For .mat de-swelling data sets the raw camera data is organised as fX_Y - where X is measurement (long periods inbetween) number and Y is consecutive frame number. fX_td (excluding cornea 1 control) - Date and time of collection of each measurement. timey - timestamps of data collection in seconds For the 3 corneas, the data for the TissueCultureControl.mat, with the cornea in tissue culture before de-swelling, Short.mat, initial 1 minute spacing collection, and Long.mat, subsequent 10 minute spacing mesurement. Cornea 1 also contains Morning, which is a later re-start of 10 minute spacing collection. Figure 1f ImageStream.mat f* - consecutively taken raw camera image data. Figure 3 The data sets for corneas Endothelium and no endothelium are organised in the same way as previously, though the contained raw data is stored within *.liv folders, instead of single .mat files. These contain a header, Header.mat, containing as described above. The raw image data for each (X) measurement is contained in unheaded, unsigned 16 bit stream with dimensions 2000x256X10, fX.bin. Time and date stamps for each measurement are contained in fX_td.mat files.